Ronflement/ Respiration buccale

The influence of snoring, mouth breathing and apnoea on facial morphology in late childhood

The effect of mode of breathing on craniofacial growth.

Dentofacial characteristics of oral breathers in different ages.

Prevalence of snoring and associated factors in infancy.

Natural History of Primary Snoring in School-aged Children.

Association between Mouth Breathing and Atopic Dermatitis in Japanese Children 2–6 years Old

Behavior and neurocognitive performance in children aged 5-10 years who snore compared to controls.

Cognitive and Behavioral Consequences of Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children.

Predicting poor school performance in children suspected for sleep-disordered breathing.

Changes in the palatal dimensions of mouth breathing children caused by nasal obstruction

Pediatric sleep-disordered breathing : New evidence on its development.

Sleep architecture in school-aged children with primary snoring.

Snore-Associated Sleep Fragmentation in Infancy.

The conundrum of primary snoring in children.

Association between oral habits, mouth breathing and malocclusion in Italian preschoolers

Effects of Airway Problems on Maxillary Growth- A Review

Establishment of nasal breathing should be the ultimate goal to secure adequate craniofacial and airway development in children.

Frequency of snoring, rather than apnea-hypopnea index, predicts both cognitive and behavioral problems in young children

Growth and mouth breathers

Habitual mouth – breathing – 1881

Mouth Breathing and its Treatment 1887

Impact of the mouth breathing occurred during childhood in the adult age- Biophotogrammetric postural analysis

Mouth breathing, “nasal disuse,” and pediatric sleep-disordered breathing

Parental Snoring and Environmental Pollutants, but Not Aeroallergen Sensitization, Are Associated with Childhood Snoring in a Birth Cohort

Partitioning of inhaled ventilation between the nasal and oral routes during sleep in normal subjects

Proposal for a screening questionnaire for detecting habitual mouth breathing, based on a mouth-breathing habit score

Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children 2019

Snoring in primary school children and domestic environment

Temporary forced oral breathing affects neonates oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide elimination, diaphragm muscles structure and physiological parameters

The preliminary results of the differences in craniofacial and airway morphology between preterm and full-term children with obstructive sleep apnea


The sound of sleeping soundly? A review on the natural history and impairments of paediatric primary snoring

Variables associated with mouth breathing diagnosis in children based on a multidisciplinary assessment

Ventilation buccale et SAOS chez l’enfant