Etude du sommeil

Effet première nuit (First night effect)

The first-night effect suppresses the strength of slow-wave activity originating in the visual areas during sleep Night watch in one brain hemisphere during sleep associated with the first-night effect in humans First-Night Effect in Normal Subjects and Psychiatric Inpatients Examination of the First-Night Effect during the Sleep-Onset Period Half-awake to the risk of predation Sleep… Lire la suite »

Titration n-CPAP à domicile

1°/ Comparison of CPAP Titration at Home or the Sleep Laboratory in the Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome

Étude du sommeil à domicile

Réalisez votre étude du sommeil à domicile. A Cost Minimization Analysis of Home versus Lab-based Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Agreement Between Results of Home Sleep Testing for Obstructive Sleep Apnea with and Without a Sleep Specialist Ambulatory monitoring in the diagnosis and management of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome Clinical Guidelines for the Use of… Lire la suite »


Dépistage de masse (Brizzy). Détecter précocement les apnées du sommeil améliore le décours des affections cardio-vasculaires. Mandibular position and movements: Suitability for diagnosis of sleep apnoea Mandibular Movements as accurate reporters of respiratory effort during sleep : Validation against Diaphragmatic electromyography