La thérapie myofonctionnelle (TMF)

Thérapie myofonctionnelle en pédiatrie

A Novel Treatment of Pediatric Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Towards Restoration of Continuous Nasal Breathing as the Ultimate Treatment Goal in Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

La thérapie myofonctionnelle dans le syndrome des apnées du sommeil.

La musique (Didgeridoo) dans la prise en charge du SAS.

Risque moindre d’apnées et jouer d’un instrument de musique à anche double.

Une méthode simple, efficace et peu onéreuse pour corriger le ronflement.

Réduire la gravité du SAS par la rééducation myofonctionnelle.

Myofunctional therapy improves adherence to continuous positive airway pressure treatment

Multidisciplinary Approach to the Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

MBGR protocol of orofacial myofunctional evaluation with scores

Effects of orofacial myofunctional therapy on the symptoms and physiological parameters of sleep breathing disorders in adults

Effects of an oral-pharyngeal motor training programme on children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Hong Kong

Can myofunctional therapy increase tongue tone and reduce symptoms in children with sleep-disordered breathing?

Validity and reliability of a protocol of orofacial myofunctional evaluation for patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Treatment of chronic pain associated with bruxism through Myofunctional therapy

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Oral Myofunctional Therapy Applied on Two Cases of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Myofunctional Therapy to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Effect of speech therapy as adjunct treatment to continuous positive airway pressure on the quality of life of patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Effectiveness of orofacial myofunctional therapy in orthodontic patients

Effects of an oral-pharyngeal motor training programme on children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Hong Kong

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy as an Adjunct Treatment Approach to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Oropharyngeal exercises in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea

The Cure of Mouth-breathing (1913)

Upper airway muscle exercises outcome in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Critical role of myofascial reeducation in pediatric sleep-disordered breathing

Effects of an oral-pharyngeal motor training programme on children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Hong Kong

Obstructive sleep apnea- focus on myofunctional therapy

Passive myofunctional therapy applied on children with OSA